Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Obesity - Essay Example On the other hand, some of the psychological problems include low level of confidence and inferiority complex. To comment on the proposal, which suggested that parents who have obese children should have their children taken away or have other rather severe consequences. The research was extremely necessary to be conducted because parents of obese children generally have little or no awareness of the consequences of childhood obesity. Some parents do not know what impact obesity can have on their children in future. There is a big need of an in-depth research on the issue of childhood obesity which should not only highlight the impact of obesity on the future of children but also should made parents aware of the ways that they can use to prevent or deal with this health problem. Childhood obesity creates many risks for the future of children. Obese children do not live a healthy life. Smith (1999) states, â€Å"Obese people do not live as long as other people† (p. 5). Parents of obese children should not take this problem light because it can affect the psychological and physical development of their children. Parents should not let obesity take away their children rather they should deal with this problem effectively to help their children come out of this serious medical condition. Some of the major health risks or consequences of childhood obesity revealed through research were high blood pressure, joint pains, high level of cholesterol, heart problems, and decrease in stamina. On the other hand, some of the major psychological problems found in obese children were lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem. Some of the main ways using which parents can help their obese children include making children do physical exercises, stopping children from taking sugary drinks, providing balanced diet to the children instead of junk foods, and making children adhere to the principles of good body

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Bertrand Russell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bertrand Russell - Essay Example There are people around the world who might actually think this way. They have no concern regarding God, religion, and anything spiritual. They have no time for all this or they are simply not bothered to actually find out the evidence for Christianity. Thus, till someone has actually researched and looked into every aspect of the religion they cannot just say there is no evidence for God. Like Hitchens said regarding God that â€Å"there exists not a shred of respectable evidence† (Stokes, 2012, p. 11). Besides this, the â€Å"lack of evidence† is also an excuse for those not wanting to change their views. They just chose to believe something and therefore, they would not simply change because of some evidence they come across or are told of. They cannot be forced to believe. As Jesus said: â€Å"Seek and you will find, knock and the door shall be opened, ask and it will be given you.   For he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened, and to him who asks it shall be given† (Githaite, 2007, p. 211). It clearly means that God will be available to those who actually make an effort to seek him and look for him; who try to find evidence regarding his existence. God does not force Himself upon us. However, He has not even left us to our own devices for us to work out our ways. God follows us and draws us to Himself. Jesus is quoted to have said: â€Å"No man can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him† (Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 652). It is we who have to open up our minds and hearts to Him. God has given clues regarding his existence, he has given us a sound mind and heart and it is up to the human beings to look for them. God is visible to those who seek him while He hides away from the ones who do not. That is, â€Å"the evidence is there for those who have eyes to see† (Kreeft, 1988, p. 44). When it is said that enough evidence does not exist to prove that there is a God, it does not defini tely mean that existence of God becomes a scientific fact; rather, the present evidence just makes the Christian belief rational. Previously one major reason behind there being so many atheists was that the philosophers of those times were mostly atheists and they gave very solid arguments against God, gaining followers and making a huge impact. Now, however, the philosophers are theists and again their arguments are apparently very valid and intellectual, thus they being outspoken Christians and the belief in God. There is just too much information and evidence of the existence of God. To start with there is the Big Bang Theory according to which the universe was created out of nothing. Big Bang led to not just the formation of this universe, matter and energy but also time and space. It just does not make any sense that anything at all can be created out of nothing; it is just not possible either scientifically or philosophically. That only leaves one idea: that there is a very po werful Higher Being who formed the universe and now controls it. The Big Bang was caused by Him. In fact, the universe was not just formed but also maintained continuously and intelligently. There is scientific evidence to prove this fact. Stephen Hawking found that in case the universe had expanded less than even one part in a hundred thousand million million a second after the Big Bang, the universe would have re-collapsed into a hot fireball. It is very obvious that a great and powerful mind is