Monday, September 30, 2019

Coyote Blue Chapter 10~11

CHAPTER 10 Over Easy, Politically Correct Santa Barbara Sam spent most of the night cleaning up the debris from Josh Spagnola's shooting exhibition. Exhausted from the overall strangeness of his day, he went to bed early, but lay awake until well after midnight, first worrying, then trying to understand what was happening to him, and finally fantasizing about the girl. Amid the misery he retained hope, although he could not logically figure out why. She was, after all, just a girl – the goofiest girl he had ever met. Still, the thought of seeing her again made him smile, and he was able to escape into dreamless sleep. When he awoke the next morning, the world seemed a much kinder place, as if during the night the calamities of the previous day had become distant and harmless. Order had returned. At one time he might have met such a day by looking to the rising sun and thanking the Great Spirit for returning his harmony with the world, as Pokey had taught him. He would have looked for rain clouds, felt the promise of the day's winds, smelled the dew and the sage, listened for the call of an eagle, the best of good-luck signs, and in that short time he would have confirmed that he and the world were of one spirit, balanced. Today he missed the rising sun by three hours. He met his day in the shower, washing his hair with shampoo that was guaranteed to have never been put in a bunny's eyes and from which ten percent of the profits went to save the whales. He lathered his face with shaving cream free of chlorofluorocarbons, thereby saving the ozone layer. He breakfasted on fertile eggs laid by sexually satisfied chickens that were allowed to range while listening to Brahms, and muffins made with pesticide-free grain, so no eagle-egg shells were weakened by his thoughtless consumption. He scrambled the eggs in margarine free of tropical oils, thus preserving the rain forest, and he added milk from a carton made of recycled paper and shipped from a small family farm. By the time he finished his second cup of coffee, which would presumably help to educate the children of a poor peasant farmer named Juan Valdez, Sam was on the verge of congratulating himself for single-handedly saving the planet just by getti ng up in the morning. He would have been surprised, however, if someone had told him that it had been two years since he had set foot on unpaved ground. He was writing a note to himself to put a new subliminal message on his computer, SAVE THE WORLD, BUY THIS POLICY, when Josh Spagnola called. â€Å"Sam, did you hear what happened at the association meeting last night?† â€Å"No, Josh, I've been cleaning up my place.† â€Å"The place, Sam. I think this will be an easier transition if you start referring to it as the place.† â€Å"You mean they voted to buy me out? Without even asking me? I can't believe it.† â€Å"I was actually very surprised myself. People seem to dislike you in the extreme, Sam. I think the dog was just their excuse for a general fuck-over.† â€Å"You told them it wasn't my dog, didn't you?† â€Å"I told them, but it didn't matter. They hate you, Sam. The doctors and lawyers hate you because you make enough money to live here. The married guys hate you because you're single. The married women hate you because you remind their husbands that they aren't single. The old people hate you because you're young, and the rest just hate you because you aren't Japanese. Oh, yeah, one bald guy hates you because you have hair. For a guy that maintains a low profile, you've built quite a little snowball of resentment.† Sam had never given his neighbors a second thought, never even spoken to most of them, so now the realization that they hated him enough to take away his home was a shock. â€Å"I've never done anything to hurt anybody in this complex.† â€Å"I wouldn't take it personally, Sam. Nothing brings people together like hate for profit. You didn't have a chance against the clay tennis courts.† â€Å"What does that mean? We don't have clay tennis courts.† â€Å"No, but when they buy your townhouse for what you paid for it, then sell it to someone more suitable at the market rate, the association will have enough profit to build clay tennis courts. We'll be the only complex in Santa Barbara with clay courts. Should raise the value of the property at least ten percent. Sorry, Sam.† â€Å"Isn't there anything I can do? Can't I bring legal action or something?† â€Å"This isn't an official call, Sam. I am calling as your friend and not on behalf of the association, so let me give you my best advice on taking legal action: it's suicide. Half the guys that voted you out are lawyers. In six months you'd be broke and they'd be drinking your blood over backgammon. The time for legal advice was eight years ago when you signed that agreement.† â€Å"Great. Where were you then?† â€Å"I was stealing your Rolex.† â€Å"You stole my Rolex? That was you? My gold Rolex? You dick!† â€Å"I didn't know you then, Sam. It was a professional thing. Besides, the statute of limitations has run out. It's time to forgive and forget.† â€Å"Fuck you, Josh. You'll get a bill for the damage you caused.† â€Å"Sam, do you know how concerned I am about your bill? I don't give a decaying damn, I don't-â€Å" Sam hung up on the security guard. The phone immediately rang and Sam stared at it for a minute. Should he let Josh get the satisfaction of the last word? He looked at the shattered remains of his television, picked up the phone, and shouted, â€Å"Look, you wormy little fuck, you're lucky I don't come down there and pop your head like a pimple!† â€Å"Sam, this is Julia, down at the office. I have Aaron on the line for you.† â€Å"Sorry, Julia, I was expecting someone else. Hang on a second.† He sat down on the couch and held the receiver to his chest while he tried to regain his composure. Too much change, too fast. He couldn't let Aaron catch him with his guard down. His good friend Aaron, his partner, his mentor. And Josh Spagnola was supposed to be his friend, too. What was the deal with Josh? He'd turned on Sam overnight. Why? Sam lit a cigarette and took a long drag, then blew the smoke out in a slow stream before speaking into the phone. â€Å"Julia, you caught me in the shower. Tell Aaron I'll be in the office in an hour. We'll talk then.† He hung up before she could respond. He dialed the number of the Cliffs' security office. Josh Spagnola answered. â€Å"Josh, this is Sam Hunter.† â€Å"Very rude, Sam. Hanging up when I am telling you how little I care is very rude.† â€Å"That's why I'm calling, Josh. I've heard your little speeches before. I want to know what you've got on me.† â€Å"Then you haven't seen the paper this morning?† â€Å"I told you before, I've been patching holes all fucking morning. What goes?† â€Å"Seems that Jim Cable, the diving mogul, was attacked by an Indian outside of his office and had a heart attack. They said he had just finished an appointment with an insurance agent.† â€Å"So, what's your point, Josh?† â€Å"The point is, Sam, that after I ran out of your place yesterday, I went through the apartment next door and ran out on the deck. I thought I could come in from behind the dog and get a shot at it. But when I got there I saw an Indian vaulting over the rail of your deck. The Indian was wearing black, just like the one they described in the paper. Interesting coincidence, huh?† Sam didn't know what to say. Spagnola had half the complex under his thumb for one reason or another, but Sam didn't know how the burglar used his information other than as a license to be rude. Sam didn't want to bring up blackmail when Spagnola might just be in this to watch him squirm. Sam had watched a thousand clients squirm under his own manipulation, but he wasn't sure how to go about it himself. He decided to take a direct approach. â€Å"Okay, Josh,† he said. â€Å"I'm squirming. Now what?† â€Å"Sammy, I love you, kid. You and I are like peas in a pod. You, me, and that Aaron guy at your office.† â€Å"You know Aaron?† â€Å"Just spoke to him this morning when I called your office. Your secretary said that you were no longer with the firm and Mr. Aaron was taking all your calls from now on. Aaron and I had a long talk.† â€Å"Did you tell him about the Indian?† â€Å"No, he told me. Strange thing, Sam, he seems to want you out of the business pretty badly, but not just for the profit. I think he's afraid of the attention you're going to get if it turns out that you're associated with the Indian who attacked Cable. Who do you think has more to lose: you or Aaron?† â€Å"Neither of us is losing anything, Josh. This whole thing is a mistake. I don't care what you saw, I don't know anything about any Indian, and I resent the veiled threat.† â€Å"No threat, Sam. Just information. It's the cleanest commodity, you know? No fingerprints, no fibers, no serial numbers. It's kind of ethereal – religious in a way. People will pay for something that they can't smell, or taste, or touch. It's fucking glorious, isn't it? I should have been a spy.† Sam listened to Spagnola sigh, then to the breathing over the line. Here it was again, the standoff. How many times had he backed down over the years? How many times had fear of discovery caused him to lie low and play the role of the victim? Too damn many. He always seemed to be running from the past and avoiding the future, but the future came anyway. Very softly, barely speaking over a whisper, Sam said, â€Å"Josh, before you become too enraptured, remember the information you don't have.† â€Å"What's that, old buddy?† â€Å"You have no idea who I am or what I'm capable of.† There was a silence on the line, as if Spagnola was considering what Sam had said. â€Å"Good-bye, Josh,† Sam whispered. He hung up the phone, grabbed his car keys, and headed out the door to the Mercedes. As he disarmed the alarm and climbed in the car he realized that he also had no idea who he was or what he was capable of, and for the first time in his life it didn't frighten him. In fact, it felt good. Coyote Gets His Powers One day, a long time ago, before there were any men or televisions, and only animal people walked the Earth, Great Spirit, the first worker, decided that he would give everyone a new name. He told the animal people to come to his lodge at sunrise and he would give each one a new name with all the powers that went with it. â€Å"To be fair,† Great Spirit said, â€Å"names will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.† The Earth was a pretty fair place in those days as long as you showed up on time. Coyote had a problem with this method, however. He liked to sleep until lunchtime and lie around thinking up tricks until late afternoon, so getting up at sunrise was a problem, but he really wanted to get a good name. â€Å"Eagle would be good,† he thought. â€Å"I would be swift and strong. Or if I take the name of Bear I will never be defeated by my enemies. Yep, I got to get me a good name even if I have to stay up all night.† When the sun went down Coyote looked all over for a good espresso bar, but even in those days they were full of pretentious pseudointellectual animal people who sat around in open-toed moccasins and whined about how unfair the world was, which it wasn't. â€Å"I don't have the stomach for that,† said Coyote. â€Å"I think I'll just score some magic wake-up powder and stay wired that way.† Coyote went to see Raven. It was well known among the animal people that Raven had a connection with a green bird from South America and was always good for some wake-up powder. â€Å"I'm sorry Coyote, my friend, but I cannot extend you any credit. I'll need three prairie dogs, up front, if you want the product. And remember, I like my prairie dogs squashed real flat.† Raven was a greasy little prick who thought he was cool because he wore sunglasses all the time, even at night. Who was he to act so high and mighty? Coyote was insulted. â€Å"Look, man, I'll have a new name tomorrow. I'm going to go for Eagle. Just advance me the gram now and I'll give you six prairie dogs in the morning.† Raven shook his head. Coyote slunk away. â€Å"I can stay awake without magic,† Coyote said. â€Å"I just have to concentrate.† Coyote tried to stay awake, but by the time the moon was high in the sky he started to doze off. â€Å"This isn't working,† he said. â€Å"I can't keep my eyes open.† Talking to himself often gave Coyote ideas, which was a good thing, because hardly anyone else would talk to him. He broke a couple of thorns from a cactus and used them to prop his eyes open. â€Å"I'm a genius,† he said. Then he fell asleep anyway. When Coyote finally awoke the sun was directly overhead. He rushed to Great Spirit's lodge and burst through the door flap. â€Å"Eagle! I want Eagle,† he said. His eyes were dry and cracked from being propped open and his fur was matted with blood where the thorns had pierced his eyelids. â€Å"Eagle was the first to go,† Great Spirit said. â€Å"What happened to you? You look like hammered shit.† â€Å"Bad night,† Coyote said. â€Å"What's left? Bear? Bear would be good.† â€Å"There's only one name left,† Great Spirit said. â€Å"Nobody wanted it.† â€Å"What is it?† â€Å"Coyote.† â€Å"You're shitting me.† â€Å"Great Spirit is not a shitter.† Coyote ran outside where the other animal people were laughing and talking about their new names and powers. He tried to get them to trade names, but even Dung Beetle told him to get lost. Great Spirit watched Coyote from his lodge and felt sorry for him. â€Å"Come here, kid,† Great Spirit said. â€Å"Look, you're stuck with a lousy name, but maybe I can make up for it. You have to keep the name, but from now on you are Chief of the Without Fires. And from now on you can take on any shape that you choose and wear it as long as you wish.† Coyote thought about it for a minute. It was a pretty good gift; maybe he should work this pity angle more often. â€Å"So that means that everyone has to do what I say?† â€Å"Sometimes,† Great Spirit said. â€Å"Sometimes?† Coyote asked. Great Spirit nodded and Coyote figured he'd better leave before Great Spirit changed his mind. â€Å"Thanks, G.S., I'm outta here. Got to see someone about some sunglasses.† Coyote loped off. CHAPTER 11 The God, the Bad, and the Ugly Santa Barbara During the short drive to his office Sam decided that if Gabriella gave him the least little bit of shit he would fire her on the spot. If his life was going to fall apart before his eyes there was no reason to suffer the slings and arrows of ungrateful employees. There were also twenty younger agents who worked under him, and as long as he held partnership in the agency he held the power to hire and fire. Let one of them mouth off, he thought. Let one of them look sideways at me and they're going to be a distant memory, taillights on the horizon, gone, out, shit-canned, pink-slipped, instantly unemployed. He walked into his office with his temper locked, loaded, and ready to fire, but was immediately disarmed when he saw Gabriella tilted back in her chair, skirt thrown up around her waist, her legs spread wide and high heels alternately pumping in the air and digging into the back of the naked Indian, who was on his knees in front of her, wheeling her chair back and forth, thrusting into her with greedy abandon and yipping with each stroke as counterpoint to the monkey noises that escaped Gabriella in rhythmic bursts. â€Å"Hey!† Sam shouted. Gabriella looked over the Indian's shoulder at Sam and held one finger in the air as if marking a point, then pointed to the message pad on the desk. â€Å"One call,† she gasped. The Indian pulled her to him in a particularly violent thrust and Gabriella grabbed his shoulder with both hands, popping her press-on nails off and across the room like tiddlywinks. Sam shook off his shock, ran forward, and caught the Indian around the neck in a choke hold. The Indian pumped wildly in the air as Sam dragged him off Gabriella and across the outer office. He fell over backward into his office with the Indian still squirming in his grasp and it occurred to him that unless things turned quickly to his advantage he was in serious danger of being humped. He rolled the Indian over on the carpet and pinned him, facedown, while he looked around for a weapon. The only thing in reach was the big multi-line phone on his desk. Sam released the choke hold and lunged for the phone, catching it by the cord. He swung around with it just in time to hit the Indian in the face as he was rising to his hands and knees. The phone exploded into a spray of electronic shrapnel and the Indian fell forward onto his face, unconscious but twitching against the carpet in petit-mal afterhumps. Sam looked at the broom of colored wires at the end of the cord where the phone used to be, then dropped it and staggered to his feet. Gabriella was standing by the door, smoothing her skirt down. Her lipstick was smeared across her face and her hair was spiked into a fright wig of hair spray and sweat. She started to speak, then noticed that one of her breasts was still peeking out of her dress. â€Å"Excuse me.† She turned and tucked herself in, then turned back to Sam. â€Å"I'll hold your calls,† she said officiously, then she pulled the door closed, leaving Sam alone in the office with the unconscious, naked Indian. â€Å"You're fired,† Sam whispered to the closed door. He looked down at the Indian and saw a bloodstain spreading around his head on the carpet. He didn't seem to be breathing. Sam fell to his knees and felt the Indian's neck for a pulse. Nothing. â€Å"Fuck, not again!† Sam paced around the desk four times before he fell back in his leather executive chair and clamped his hands on his temples as if trying to squeeze out a solution. Instead he thought of police and prison and felt hope running through his fingers like liquid light, leaving him dark with despair. A growling noise from the floor. Sam looked over the desk to see the body of the Indian moving. He started to breathe a sigh of relief when he realized that the body wasn't moving at all, it was changing. His eyes went wide with terror as the arms and legs shortened and grew fur, the face grew into a whiskered muzzle, and the spinal column lengthened and grew into a bushy tail. Before Sam could catch his breath again he was looking at the body of a huge black coyote. The coyote got to its feet and shook its head as if clearing its ears of water, then it leapt on the desk and growled at Sam, who rolled his chair back until it hit the wall behind his desk. Sam pushed himself up by the chair arms until he was almost standing against the wall, desperately trying to put even a millimeter more between himself and the snarling muzzle of the coyote. The coyote crawled forward on the desk until its face was only inches from Sam's. Sam could feel the coyote's moist breath on his face. It smelled of something familiar, something burnt. He wanted to turn his head away and close his eyes until the horror went away, but his gaze remained locked on the coyote's golden eyes. He wanted to scream but there was no breath for it and he found his jaw was moving but no sound was coming out. The coyote backed away and sat on the desk, then raised its lowered ears and tilted its head to the side as if perplexed. Sam felt himself take a breath and the strange urge to say â€Å"Good doggie† came over him, but he remained rigid and quiet. The coyote began to shake and Sam thought it would attack, but instead it threw back its head as if to howl. The skin on the coyote's neck began to undulate and surge and took on the shape of a human face. The fur receded from the face, then away from the front legs, which became arms, then down the back legs, which lengthened into crouching human legs. As the fur peeled it lost its black color, turning the burnt tan of a normal coyote. It was as if a human was literally crawling out of a cocoon of coyote skin, the black color becoming black buckskins trimmed with red feathers. A minute passed in what seemed a year as the transformation took place. When it was finished the Indian was crouched on Sam's desk wearing a coyote-skin headd ress that had once been his own skin. â€Å"Fuck,† Sam said, falling back into the chair, his eyes trained now on the golden eyes of the Indian. â€Å"Woof,† the Indian said with a grin. Sam shook his head, trying to get the image to go away. His mind was still rattling around in chaos trying to put this into some sort of meaningful context, but all he could do was wish that he would pass out and that his kneecaps would stop jumping with adrenaline. â€Å"Woof,† the Indian repeated. He jumped from the desk, adjusted the headdress that moments ago had been his skin, then sat in the chair opposite Sam. â€Å"Got a smoke?† he said. Sam felt his mind lock on to the request. Yes, he understood that. Yes, he could do that. A smoke. He reached into his shirt pocket for his cigarettes and lighter and fumbled them out, lost his grip, and sent them skittering across the desk. He was scrambling for them when the Indian reached out and patted his hand. Sam screamed, the high-pitched wail of a little girl, and jumped back into his chair, which rolled back until his head snapped against the wall. The Indian turned his head to the side quizzically, the same way the coyote had, then took the cigarettes from the desk and lit two with the lighter. He held one out to Sam, who remained pushed back in the chair. The Indian nodded for Sam to take the cigarette, then waited while Sam inched forward, snatched it out of his hand, and quickly retreated to his position by the back wall. The Indian took a deep drag on the cigarette, then turned his head and blew the smoke out in rings that crept across the desk like ghosts. Sam had curled into the fetal position in his chair and looked up only to cast a sideways glance at the Indian when he took a drag from his own cigarette. It occurred to him that he should feel silly, but he didn't. He was still too frightened to feel silly. When his cigarette was half gone he started to calm down. His fear was draining away, being replaced with indignant anger. The Indian sat calmly, smoking and looking around the office. Sam put his feet on the floor, scooted the chair back under the desk, and set what he hoped was a hard gaze on the Indian. â€Å"Who are you?† he asked. The Indian smiled and his eyes lit up like an excited child's. â€Å"I am the stink in your shoe, the buzz in your ear, the wind through the trees. I am the-â€Å" â€Å"Who are you?† Sam interrupted. â€Å"What is your name?† The Indian continued to grin while smoke trickled between his teeth. He said, â€Å"The Cheyenne call me Wihio, the Sioux, Iktome. The Blackfeet call me Napi Old Man. The Cree call me Saultaux, the Micmac, Glooscap. I am the Great Hare on the East Coast and Raven on the West. You know me, Samson Hunts Alone, I am your spirit helper.† Sam gulped. â€Å"Coyote?† â€Å"Yep.† â€Å"You're a myth.† â€Å"A legend,† the Indian said. â€Å"You are just a bunch of stories to teach children.† â€Å"True stories.† â€Å"No, just stories. Old Man Coyote is just a fairy tale.† â€Å"Should I change shapes again? You liked that.† â€Å"No! No, don't do that.† Sam had guessed the Indian's identity the day before when he'd opened the medicine bundle, but he had hoped it would all go away and he would find himself the victim of a childhood superstition. Religion was supposed to be a matter of faith. Gods were not supposed to jump on your desk and snarl at you. They weren't supposed to sit in your office smoking cigarettes. Gods didn't do anything. They were supposed to ignore you and let you suffer and die having never known whether your religion was a waste of time. Faith. Sure, the gods were a badly behaving lot in stories – jealous, impatient, selfish, vengeful, smiting whole races of people, raping virgins, sending plagues and pestilence – and even as gods went, Coyote was a particularly bad example, but they were supposed to stay in the damn stories, not show up and hump your homely secretary until she made monkey noises. â€Å"What are you doing here?† Sam asked. â€Å"I'm here to help you.† â€Å"Help? You ruined my business and got me kicked out of my home.† â€Å"You wanted to scare the diver so I scared him. You wanted the girl so I gave her to you.† â€Å"Well what about all the cats at my condo complex? What about my secretary? How did that help me?† â€Å"If I was not meant to have ugly women and cats they would not be so easy to catch.† It was the kind of backward, perverse logic that had irritated Sam as a child. Pokey Medicine Wing had been a master at it. It seemed to Sam at times as if the entire Crow Nation was trying to define a silicon-chip world with a Stone Age worldview. Sam thought he had escaped it. â€Å"Why me? Why not someone who believes?† â€Å"This is more fun.† Sam resisted the urge to leap over the desk and choke the Indian. It was still â€Å"the Indian† in his head. He hadn't yet accepted that he was talking to Coyote, Chief of the Without Fires. Even with the overwhelming evidence of the supernatural, he searched for a natural explanation for what was happening. A lifetime of disbelief is not easily shed. He tried to find some parallel experience that would put things in order, something he'd read or seen on PBS. Nothing was forthcoming, so he speculated. How would Aaron react if faced with this situation? Aaron didn't acknowledge his Irish heritage any more than Sam admitted his own Crow roots. What if a leprechaun suddenly appeared on Aaron's desk? He'd affect a brogue and try to talk the little fucker into putting his pot o' gold into tax-deferred annuities. No, Aaron was not the person to think of in a spiritual emergency. Coyote smiled as if he had read Sam's thoughts. â€Å"What do you want, Samson Hunts Alone?† Sam didn't even hesitate to think. â€Å"I want my old life back to the way it was before you fucked it up.† â€Å"Why?† Now Sam was forced to think. Why indeed? Every time Sam hired a new agent he glorified his and Aaron's lifestyles. He would take a bright, hungry young man for a ride in the Mercedes, buy him lunch at the Biltmore or another of Santa Barbara's finer restaurants, flash cash and gold cards and expensive suits – plant the seed of greed, as Aaron called it – then give the kid a means to pursue his germinating dream of material bliss while Sam collected ten percent on everything he sold. It was part of the show, one of the many roles he played, and the car, the clothes, the condo, and the clout were merely props. Without the props the show could not go on. â€Å"Why do you want your life back?† Coyote asked, as if Sam had forgotten the question. â€Å"It's safe,† Sam blurted out. â€Å"So safe,† Coyote said, â€Å"that you can lose it in a day? To be safe is to be afraid. Is that what you want: to be afraid?† â€Å"I'm not afraid.† â€Å"Then why do you lie? You want the girl.† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"I will help you get her.† â€Å"I don't need your help. I need you gone.† â€Å"I am very good with women.† â€Å"Like you're good with cats and couches?† â€Å"Great heroes have great horniness. You should feel what it is like to pleasure a falcon. You lock talons with her in the sky and do it while you both are falling like meteors. You would like it; they never complain if you come too fast.† â€Å"Get out of here.† â€Å"I will go, but I will be with you.† Coyote rose and walked to the door. As he opened it he said, â€Å"Don't be afraid.† He stepped out of his office and closed the door. Suddenly, Sam leapt to his feet and headed after him. â€Å"Stay off my secretary!† he shouted. He ripped open the door and looked into the outer office where Gabriella, her composure regained, was typing up a claim form. Coyote was gone. Gabriella looked up and raised a disapproving eyebrow. â€Å"Is there a problem, Mr. Hunter?† â€Å"No,† Sam said. â€Å"No problem.† â€Å"You sounded frightened.† â€Å"I'm not frightened, goddammit!† Sam slammed the door and went to the desk for a cigarette. His cigarettes and lighter were gone. He stood there for a moment, feeling a flush of anger rise in him until he thought he would scream, then he fell back into his chair and smiled as he remembered something Pokey Medicine Wing had once told him: â€Å"Anger is the spirits telling you that you are alive.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ap English Essay Lewis Lapham

The assertions made by Lewis Lapham’s Money and Class in America distinguishes the meaning of success and the requirements for respect from Americans to that of other strong societies. In his essay he defends that Americans show respect for those with a high economic status while other nations feel art and intellect are warrant for respect. With this, he agrees with Henry Adams that Americans are greatly materialistic in the sense that they try to find â€Å"success† in wealth because they have been â€Å"deflected by the pursuit of money†.Though the idea that Americans favor and respect a high economic status is true, Lapham’s claim that they do so because they are socially forced to is not accurate because they still have the ability to make a choice. When Lapham states that â€Å"Men remain free to rise or fall in the world, and if they fail it must be because they willed it so†, he agrees with the suggestion that Americans see the rich as an exa mple of being sufficient. This is because he feels that if Americans are not rich it’s because they chose not to be, this is inaccurate.First off, he contradicts the â€Å"absurdity† he finds in the idea that â€Å"†¦in the United states a rich man is perceived as being necessarily both good and wise†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He defends the respect toward superficiality. He then goes on to support the idea that Americans still have a choice in choosing the other direction that he claims is being deflected by social standards. America has intellectuals and artists that deserve the respect they would receive in other nations, but instead their respect is given to those who don’t deserve it.What Lapham should have said is that men are free to deny whatever standards are being set for them. Though in other societies it is easier to find the artistic and intellectual respect, there is still choice, which Lapham claims is not true. As shown through his double standards in M oney and Class in America and in his denial of free will that any good hearted American would embrace, it is clear that he sides with the materialistic.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Dolphins Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dolphins - Research Paper Example Generally, male dolphins are bigger than the females. Dolphins live worldwide in almost all major seas (mostly shallow seas of the continental shelves) and oceans, and some large river systems. Nevertheless, their circulation is not random – each species of dolphin has become specialized to thrive in a specific  niche, and each species of dolphin has a special role in the niche (, 1-4, &, 1). All dolphins are  carnivores and while some feed exclusively on cephalopods  or  fish, the diet of others is more varied and it includes lobsters, fish, crabs, squid, and shrimps.  Even though dolphins are said to possess pretty good eyesight, their murky/dark environment usually reduce their visibility. They therefore largely rely on their hearing sense to comprehend the world around them and to look for prey (, 12). They have a large brain (almost the humans’ size) that possesses a remarkable capability of learning and mimicking behaviors (, 9). records the fact that dolphins famous for their dexterity and mischievous character, which makes them wildlife watchers to love them. They can be seen leaping out of water, spy-hop/rise out of the water vertically to see their surroundings and trail ships, mostly synchronize their progress with each other. Dolphins are believed to preserve energy through bow-riding (swimming beside ships). Naturally, dolphins are very social animals and they mostly rely on social interaction during reproduction, defense and while hunting. They hunt for prey using echolocation and by surrounding a school of fish, swimming through the school and catching their prey in turns. They have a tendency of forming long-lasting groups, which vary in size from a small number of animals (2-40) known as  pods, to bigger groups called   herds or   schools  comprising of hundreds of dolphins. These groups may comprise several

Friday, September 27, 2019

Analysis and response assignment of joan didion's on going home Essay

Analysis and response assignment of joan didion's on going home - Essay Example Although, this past life will give them fond and nostalgic memories, it could affect their present life, including the lives of their currently related ones. This tough feeling and dilemma could occur to any individual, and it happened to Joan Didion as well. Joan Didion’s wish to connect with her childhood life including her parents and other relatives in California negatively impacts her present life in Los Angeles, which includes her husband and daughter. So, this paper focusing on Joan Didion’s work On Going Home will analyze her dilemma of wishing to hold on to her past life although her present life is calling her. The paper will also provide a personal perspective of how Didion’s dilemma somewhat ‘mirrors’ the dilemma of mine. Didion begins the story by stating that her "home" is not the â€Å"house in Los Angeles where my husband and I and the baby live, but the place where my family is, in Central Valley of California† (Didion 125). So, from her nuclear family life in Los Angles, Didion visits her extended family in Central Valley, California to celebrate the first birthday of her daughter and importantly to connect with her childhood life and recollect the nostalgic memories. However, at the outset itself, Didions husband does not want to stay in California and wants to return immediately to their home in Los Angeles. He does not like it in there because, first Didion’s family does not wholeheartedly accept him and do not treat him as an important individual, mainly referring him as Joans husband. Importantly, he feels that as Didion stays there for a long time, she changes her way of living adopting her families’ lifestyle, instead of following his way of living. These grievances of her husband complicates her mind because, she does not want to stop her visits to her family home, but at the same time does not want to offend and oppose her husband. Her wish to travel on a neutral path, balancing both

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Which documents and people had the most influence on US government Essay

Which documents and people had the most influence on US government - Essay Example The declaration in this charter may have informed the founders of the government about the liberties of individuals and ensured that the form of government created was not absolute or autocratic in its power, hence the checks and balances to the presidency. The Articles of Confederation were the agreements that directed the creation of a unification of the thirteen British colonies, these articles helped in the formation of a body that not only directed the revolutionary war against Britain, but also deal with the joint diplomatic affairs of these colonies. They formed the basis upon which closer union between the colonies was made which resulted in the writing of the Constitution, formally creating the United States of America. John Locke was one of the people whose viewpoint came to influence the government of the United States greatly. This was because of his belief in the equality of all men as well as the right of the public to have a say in the management of their government. In addition, he believed in the existence of God, but despite this, he felt that man had the right to determine his own destiny (Goldie, 2004). In conclusion, it can be said that the government of the United States had a lot of influence in its creation, especially from historical documents such as the Magna Carta. Furthermore, individuals who believed in democratic ideals, such as John Locke also left their imprint in the Constitution; such influence was immensely useful in placing the United States where it is in the present

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An analytical understanding of the operational situation of Tesco Coursework

An analytical understanding of the operational situation of Tesco - Coursework Example Center of discussion in this paper is Tesco in United Kingdom that has transformed its business operation in order to gain hold of a larger market share in the retail market of the region. Furthermore the company with the help of its organisational structure and scientific way of operations has earned the potential in gaining a strong foothold in United Kingdom. The following paper conducts a thorough analysis of the above parameters and presents the situational advantages of Tesco amidst its various competitors operating in the United Kingdom market. The process of business transformation in the supermarket giant, Tesco operating in United Kingdom gains momentum through a clear cut planning activity aimed at providing value addition to the existing set of supply chain activities. Effective planning helped in rendering dynamism to the existing supply chain network of the concern and thereby also helped the company to operate across international borders. Moreover the business process of the company operating in the home market also went a huge transformation through the introduction of loyalty schemes and also through operating via the online sphere. Both these activities helped in the enhancement of brand awareness of the company in the regional markets and also in augmenting the brand equity for the concern. Tesco operating via the online sphere gained hold of a larger market share and through the loyalty card schemes gained a niche group of loyal consumers in every region. Business transformation in Tesco was not only brought about by bringing effective modifications in the supply chain mechanism but also through the modification brought about in the existing formats. Further the company also revised its business and distribution process through the opening up of several local stores in the different regions they focused to conduct business upon. Working on another set of business strategy in reducing the price of products sold while operating through a numb er of business outlets, Tesco aimed at gaining a larger pie of the consumer markets both in the home country and in the international zones. In the supply chain activities the company management worked in bring about close monitoring activities through introduction of periodical audits. Further the supplier groups were also called by the company management to be rendered training on issues like enhancement and sustenance of product quality

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sir Francis Bacon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sir Francis Bacon - Essay Example Bacon's thoughts on science are closely associated with those of Galileo. A benefit of the early Renaissance was the rediscovery of the writings of those living in antiquity. With the new reading of Galileo, Sir Francis Bacon rejected the form of speculative reasoning that dominated the Middle Ages. Bacon believed that if you wanted to really know about something in nature, you needed to approach your study in a methodical manner, gathering real data that was observable and recordable. He states in his book The Great Insaturation, "There are and can be only two ways of searching into and discovering truth. The one flees from the senses and particulars to the most general axioms [laws]†¦The other derives axioms from the senses and particulars. This is the true way but yet untried. Bacon believed that if you wanted to understand soil or rocks, you would gather many different samples or specimens, study them and then let the facts of your study form new ideas about the natural worl d. Bacon melded his ideas with those of Galileo, formalizing them into a general theory of inductive reasoning that became known as empiricism (McKay 1992). Empiricism is the backbone of the scientific method utilized by students and scientists universally in modern times. Sir Francis Bacon believed that this new approach to knowing and understanding the natural world would radically change societies. He believed firmly that this new knowledge would give humans greater control over the natural elements .

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sickle Cell Anemia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Sickle Cell Anemia - Essay Example 1995, the life expectancy for African Americans is 42 years for males and 48 years for females. Median survival is approaching 50 years. In the population at large, for African American males without Sickle Cell anemia according to the 2001 census figures is 68.6 for males and for females it is 75.5 years." (NVSR) Sickle Cell Amenia's major danger is the propensity to crisis. With fever, dehydration, insufficient oxygen, or a disturbance of the body's acid balance, the number of sickle cells greatly increases. They become log-jammed in small blood vessels, completely blocking flow and preventing oxygen from entering. Then more red blood cells stiffen. Tissues suffer from lack of blood flow, excruciating pain develops, and areas of tissue may die. A Sickle Cell crisis is difficult to treat. The patient needs adequate water to prevent dehydration, and often transfusions of normal red blood cells are required", (LIFE) I have developed mice models of Sickle Cell Anemia and they are being used to evaluate the effectiveness of a cure for Sickle Cell Anemia. 3 My research thesis is that certain people are generally disposed to the thiocynate deficiency (a deficiency of vitamin B12-a necessary component to healthy blood cells.) This deficiency causes blood cells to sickle, and it the root cause of Sickle Cell Anemia and its resulting complications. Our Sickle Cell Anemia mice models show that once this thiocynate is present in significant quantity in the blood system, there is an... Genes and Disease, Blood and Lymph Diseases, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institute of Health, Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Retrieved on line on April 13, 2006 from,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

An analysis of Palm Malls Management Information System Term Paper

An analysis of Palm Malls Management Information System - Term Paper Example An analysis of Palm Mall’s Management Information System This system will be used for the management of Palm Mall’s working and operations. This application will make use of an automated BAR-Code detection system to detect the product details. At the cash counter the customer will take the shopping cart and cashier will scan each item to detect the products’ features such as price and other details. This system will also accept manual entries of products in case bar code reader fails to work properly. At the end of day system will offer the overall sales record with possible stock availability details. The objective of this implementation is to improve the efficiency and quality of business functions. Scope and Objectives The implementation of Palm Mall Management Information System is aimed at offering an excellent support for business management. In fact, the successful implementation of this technology based information system will improve the management capabilities of the business. Additionally, this system will offer an excellent support in the form of fast and error free business retail record management. The new system will improve the overall supply chain management through better record management of stock. This system will also offer a variety of features and functions for ensuring improved business decision support and performance. As a result, the overall corporate performance will improve and the business will be able to offer a great deal better service to its clients. In addition, this system will be implemented at various levels such as management level, stock and warehouse level and at sale person level. This system will not involve any customer input or intervention. This system will be completely under the control of business staff. Benefits of the system According to (Laudon and Laudon 7; Hoffer, Prescott and McFadden 429), â€Å"an information system is a group of interrelated elements that work together, process, store, and distribute information to various departments with the p urpose of supporting decision making and control in an organization†. In this scenario, â€Å"a management information system is one of the basic forms of information systems. Basically, an MIS is a purpose or particular use of information system that offers support for management oriented reporting.† In addition, these reports are usually produced or maintained on a given schedule as well as become manifest in a prearranged structure (Whitten, Bentley and Dittman 47). Palm Mall Management Information System will offer a number of advantages for the business. Given below are some of the major advantages of implementing a new management information system: Automation of process Error free working Simple management Fast receipt development for customer Digital record management of all business transactions Effective management of all business operations Simple management of complex processes Improved supply chain management Superior handling of all business operations Man agement support Better decision support for staff Enhanced management of all corporate operations with canalized business management

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The resistance of the wire Essay Example for Free

The resistance of the wire Essay The atoms take up more space so there is more chance of the electrons being caught by them; more energy is going to be lost as heat. As temperature increases so does resistance. If we increase the cross section there will be a bigger area, so more free electrons available for conduction. More free electrons means a larger current so a better conductor, meaning lower resistance. Materials should effect resistance also because different materials have different amounts of free electrons. The more free electrons means better conductor so lower resistance. Resistance of different materials will vary. I predict that from my experiment my graph will have a straight diaganol line like this. Planning As we increase the length of the wire we will be measuring the voltage when the current is at 1amp. Using these results we will work out the resistance. We do this because we need to find out if the length of a wire effects the resistance of the wire. And from these results find out how we can reduce the resistance of the wire. When measuring we will have to be accurate and make sure that the crocodile clips on the wire are exactly in line with the right measurements. Even 1mm can change the results dramatically. We will also have to ensure that the wire is pulled taught because if its bent up a bit its not stretched out to its full length so are measurements will be wrong and could effect the experiment. We will also make sure that the current does not go over 1-amp. Because the prelim work showed us that after this amount the test will be unfair, and it will be impossible to ensure the results are valid. Because the sellotape melts, and the wire expands and looses shape. In order to get accurate results we will do three repeats of the experiment. Are results are more reliable then because we have three to look at so we know what the measurements should roughly be around and any major errors will stand out. Analysis From doing my experiment and looking at my results I found out that as the length of the wire increases, the resistance increases. This shows that my predictions were accurate as this is what I predicted. From looking at the graph I also notice that it is a straight diagonal line, which is how I predicted it to be. This shows it is directly proportional. As the length of the wire doubles there is double the chance that the electrons will get captured by the metal atoms. Therefore double the resistance. Double length=double resistance 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 gradient = up = ? across cm Evaluation I think my experiment worked well because my results were as I predicted them to be and I did a fair test. Also there wasnt any major errors. From looking at my graph I can see it is a straight diaganol line just as I predicted. This shows it is directly proportional. To imrove my experiment and get more accurate results I could nail or solder the wire down to the ruler. This way it is more secure than the sellotape and it cant move out of position. Instead of using crocodile clips, as these could put a kink in the wire. I could use a knife edge or something metal to just touch the wire, as this is a conductor so still allows a current to flow through. I think I have enough results to be sure of what I wrote in my conclusion. I think this because my results prove the theory as length increases resistance increases. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Friday, September 20, 2019

London-based seatwave

London-based seatwave Part I 1. Introduction London-based was founded in January 2006 by Joe Cohen. He is currently President and CEO whilst Mr. GED Waring is currently VP of Technology and James Hamlin is Director Online Marketing. The site has undergone continuous growth since launch, and currently serves tens of thousands of monthly visitors. is a specialized online marketplace where fans can buy and sell tickets for concerts, theatre, sports, and live events and is the largest online ticket marketplace in Europe. works by allowing Ticket Sellers to post the tickets they have for sale on the Seatwave site, and then letting buyers bid on them. Tickets go to the highest bidder and the site offers guaranteed delivery of tickets to winner and takes a small price off the ticket sold for compensation. 2. Seatwave Information Technology applications Seatwaves success is dependent on its use of technology to help drive the supply and value chains of the business and in its three years since its inception, Seatwave has gone from strength to strength winning numerous accolades, including being named Best Technology Media Company 2009 by The Guardian. Pure 360 emailing Technology Seatwave decided to partner with progressive email marketing providers, Pure360, to create and deliver a highly effective, cost efficient, email marketing campaign by capitalizing on cutting edge email marketing technology. Seatwaves ongoing email marketing campaign uses Pure360s Intelligent Time Sending tool to analyze when each of its customers is most likely to open their emails, and click-through to the website. This information is used to ensure emails arrive in recipients inboxes at the time he or she is most receptive an essential tool as Seatwaves success is dependent on the audience responding quickly and purchasing tickets. Timing is everything for Seatwave, and it is imperative that it sends out the latest information about events and ticket availability as quickly and efficiently as possible. Pure360s Automatic Message Import tool makes it possible for Seatwave to send out the latest offers by uploading web content automatically into their email marketing campaign, meaning they use minimal resources. Seatwave Mobile Application LONDON, ENG (Seatwave) 14 January 2009 Seatwave, Europes largest online fan-to-fan ticket exchange, today announced its newest partnership with mobile platform provider, Snaptu. As part of the companys continued expansion into the mobile environment and in a first for fan-to- fan ticket exchanges, the new application will provide a seamless mobile box office experience for fans. It will allow them to navigate through the full range of European concert dates on their mobile phone, and purchase with one call. Cookies When you view our Site we may store information on the hard drive of your computer in the form of a cookie (essentially a small text file). Cookies allow us to tailor the Site to your interests and preferences. ( 2009) IP Addresses We study visitor trends since we are interested in the successful dissemination of information through the Site. Our server creates log files of information such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address from your network, what pages were explored and the length of your visit. Analysis software is used to generate reports, which helps us to learn more about how we can enhance your experience with the Site. This information is not used to develop a personal profile of you. The log files are regularly deleted ( 2009). Seatwave Ticket finder Seatwave has secured a deal with MSN whereby MSN portal users can use Seatwaves Ticket Finder to search for secondhand tickets. The new objective for the online activity is to increase sales of tickets and encourage more people to sell tickets on the site. Secure Online Account As a buyer, you can review all your previous orders and track their status within My Account. For sellers, My Account allows you to view or amend your listings, track your sales and send out your tickets Seatwave Ticket Cover TicketCover is a new kind of insurance and Seatwave will be the first UK Company to ensure that consumers are refunded for the cost of a seat at sporting, music and other forms of live entertainment, if unforeseen circumstances prevail. Such circumstances include motor breakdown on the way to the venue, illness, injury, jury service and a range of other occurrences that could keep a person away from their chosen event. The service will be administered by Mondial Insurance and the cost of the cover will be included in the price of all Seatwave tickets. Seatwave Ticket Integrity Seatwave guarantee that their tickets come only from legitimate sources and that they will represent them accurately and honestly. They also guarantee that you will receive the tickets you ordered (or similar ones) and that they will be with you by the day of the event. And if they dont keep this commitment to you, they will take reasonable steps to source replacement tickets, of an equivalent value, to make sure you dont miss out. If suitable replacement tickets (determinable solely at our discretion) cannot be found, well refund 100% of the price you paid. No questions. Additionally Seatwave Ticket Integrityâ„ ¢ guarantee is a two-way street. If you are selling tickets they promise that you will receive prompt payment from Seatwave for all orders that are confirmed and fulfilled. 3. Seatwave E-Business Models Seatwave have adopted a combination of two E-business models, a Transaction fee revenue model and an E-Auction model. (Schneider. G 2009) explains that in the fee for transactional revenue model, businesses offer services for which they charge a fee that is based on the number or sized of transactions they process And Seatwave has successfully adopted this model whereby they are paid a commission for every ticket sold. Ttickets can be sold at any price selected by the seller, including below and above the face value printed on the ticket and Seatwave charges buyers a 15% service charge and sellers a 10% success fee. Seatwave has additionally adopted an E- Auction model or as they put it a fan to fan to online ticket exchange system. The online auction business model is one in which participants bid for products and services over the internet. When one thinks of online auctions they typically think of E-Bay, the largest online auction site. Like most auction companies, eBay does not actually sell goods that it owns itself. It merely facilitates the process of listing and displaying goods, bidding on items, and paying for them. It acts as a marketplace for individuals and businesses that use the site to auction off goods and services. Several types of online auctions are possible. In an English auction the initial price starts low and is bid up by successive bidders. In a Dutch auction the price starts high and is reduced until someone buys the item. EBay also offers fixed price listings. 4. Seatwave Financial Performance In January 2009 Seatwave was on 35% market share, GetMeIn (a UK startup founded by US guy James Gray and acquired by Ticketmaster is on 25%, and Viagogo is on 14 The principle industry area to which Seatwave belongs is events ticketing . Unfortunately Seatwave does not publish its financial statement but do provide growth margins which make it easier to measure the success and profitability of the company. Europes Leading Ticket exchange increases lead on the field London: 05 May 2009 Seatwave, Europes leading fan-to-fan ticket exchange, today announced explosive growth LONDON: 05 May 2009 Seatwave, Europes leading fan-to-fan ticket exchange, today announced explosive growth for Q1, supported by ComScores latest report confirming that Seatwave is Europes largest ticket exchange by a factor of more than 2 to 1 versus its nearest competitor. March sales alone grew by 287% year on year, one of the many indicators of the companys increasing success. Insert Courtesy Of Seatwaves success can be attributed to two main factors superior customer service and an excellent online customer experience. Couple with a great business model The Companys site demonstrates how importantly it takes the customers online experience. Burgess believes that the specific online experience they offer customers is an essential ingredient to the success of the company because the site is streamlined and easy to navigate, and its smartly designed to maintain its efficiency and functionality. The smart design is evident in the ability to quickly buy or sell tickets and business model is adopted is excellent because there is no time and geographical constraints, hence tickets and be sold and bought at any time, 24 / 7 and Sellers and bidders can participate from anywhere that has internet access. This makes them more accessible and reduces the cost of attending an auction. 5. Seatwave Strategy Seatwaves biggest market is the UK and its long term strategy for growth is based on three key parts. Growth by global Expansion Offering Marketing Leading Consumer Protection Partnerships and Affiliations 1. The Seatwave business is growing rapidly and is the market leader in all the markets they operate within. Seatwave operates in nine countries outside the UK. Including Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and Ireland Over 700,000 tickets on sale at any one time Customer base of over 1.9 million unique active users. 1.7 Millions tickets for events in over 38 countries Europe secondary ticket market worth $ 6.8 9.7 billion. Bi- model approach e.g. Transactional Revenue model E-auctioning model Seatwave Cooperate sales which is a dedicated service for corporate entertainment needs. 2. Utilizing Technology Offering Consumer Protection services TicketIntegrityâ„ ¢ guarantees that buyers will receive the tickets they ordered in good time for the event, or offers a full refund. TicketCoverâ„ ¢ which provides a full refund if an event is cancelled. This refund includes the full price of the tickets purchased. TicketCoverâ„ ¢premium which covers buyers for a range of other circumstances that may prevent them from attending their performance, such as transport failure or severe illness. TickFinder is a search application use on the msn portal to help users find secondhand tickets. 3. Partnerships and Affiliations Official Ticket exchange partner of 9 different sport clubs Affiliations with 4 separate music groups e.g., MOBO Awards and Live Nation In partnership with major media organizations e.g. MSN, Virgin Media and a new partnership with HMV Seatwave donates a portion of every sporting ticket sold online to Sparks and is also a member of the Action for Brazils Children Trust. Seatwave are in partnership with UPS to help facilitate and ensure a reliable ticket exchange transaction between buyers and sellers. Part II 6. Suggested Evaluation Criteria The methodologies used for the evaluation of is based on Webqual which is an instrument for assessing the usability, information, and service interaction quality of Internet web-sites, particularly those offering e-commerce facilities ( homepage 2009). WebQual ( is based on quality function deployment (QFD) a structured and Disciplined process that provides a means to identify and carry the voice of the customer through each stage of product and or service development and implementation (Slabey, 1990). In the context of WebQual for traditional Web sites, users are asked to rate target sites against each of a range of qualities using a 7-point scale. The users are also asked to rate each of the qualities for importance (again, using a 7-point scale), which helps gain understanding about which qualities are considered by the user to be most important in any given situation. In order to build a profile for, the data was summarized around the questionnaire subcategories, and then the total score for each subcategory was indexed against the maximum score (based on the important rating for questions multiplied by three. The results suggested that the information quality and Usability aspect of the website rated extremely well at 100% respectively. Seatwave has facilitated this by providing tools that help the seller choose an appropriate selling price by comparing the average sale price for tickets being sold for the particular event and having a simple but structured approach to the design of the website and the way it presents information to its customers. Additionally the service interaction weighted score was slightly lower than the other categories at 92.8% but still suggested a high sense of community, personalization and security in terms of processing transactions, however the lack of confidence within the website due to the ethical issues within the resale ticketing industry and the slim line of communication to the organization has robbed the site of a maximum score. It must be noted though that WebQual was not particularly useful for evaluating the technical aspects of the site despite providing a valuable profile of users perception of e-commerce quality, therefore an independent evaluation of its technical viability as an ecommerce site was carried out. And one problem noticed when evaluating the site from a technical point of view is that it failed W3C markup validation, this means that there is no guarantee that the site will look the same in different browsers or even that it will work correctly. Also this means that non-graphical browsers and html translators such as those used by blind people may not be able to communicate the site to a properly. The site has an XHTML transitional DOCTYPE header, this standard should be strictly adhered to in order to avoid the problems outlined above, by doing this the company can be sure that they are reaching the widest possible audience as their site would then work with the vast majority of viewing technologies. Part III Proposed future strategy for Seatwave Future Strategy Seatwave can enhance its future ecommerce business by aligning its current strategy with the primary ticket selling industry which will build up its reputation and strengthen its brand image. According to Katie Allen of the Guardian, Seatwave and rivals such as Viagogo have been accused of encouraging the growth of bedroom touts, who snap up tickets with the sole purpose of making a profit by selling them on, in addition Seatwave, as a secondary market ticket supplier, has no way of verifying if tickets are valid, counterfeit, or genuine. By becoming the leader in the Primary and secondary online ticketing market Seatwave will be able to increase its image as a reputable brand, penetrate new markets and hence increase its profit margins. New Business Strategy Key Factors New Potential Packages As the two entities further combine their operations, they could begin to offer more packages to consumers such as discounted bundles of tickets and recorded music, and could offer corporate sponsors more attractive terms, too. At the same time, a vertically integrated behemoth could have the power to dictate higher prices. Power to dictate Price ( Due To Economy of Scale ) Because it would be so vertically integrated, the new company would also be able to muscle out competing concert promoters and have more power to dictate ticket prices to consumers. The new company would have close ties to an array of artists and boast affiliation and new partnerships right across the entertainment spectrum Expansions into the Americas To new business strategy will allow Seatwave to venture out in to the Americas which is tightly regulated against ticket reselling. Because of the new strategy the business can segment its services geographically. Alliances with other companies The new strategy would merge Europes Largest ticketing exchange facilitator with a dominant ticketing and artist-management company. The resulting firm would be able to manage everything from recorded music to ticket sales and tour sponsorship. It could package artists in new ways, for example, allowing corporations such as a mobile phone provider to sponsor a concert tour and to sell an exclusive download of a song. Conclusion In conclusion Seatwave has dominated the European market and have attracted investment whilst protecting its customer; however the ticketing resale markets remains shrouded with suspicion, unfair practices and dodgy dealings. It and its two main rivals in the UK operate in a controversial area. Ticket touts have a bad reputation and Seatwave and its peers are, according to their critics, merely electronic equivalents of the spivs who hang around the doors of music and sporting venues offering dubiously acquired products. Mr. Cohen points out that his venture offers those who are genuinely unable to obtain the tickets they want through a risk free channels, however a sales Account Manager for Seatwave, Lee Lake, was caught purchasing tickets for various concerts and gigs using 4 different addresses and 4 different credit cards and selling the same tickets through Seatwave at significantly higher prices than face value and not declaring that he is an employee of Seatwave in the transaction. In response, Chief Executive Joe Cohen allegedly stated the tickets were purchased as backstop tickets in case fans selling on Seatwave let people down. This proves that Seatwaves strategy is in need of a revamp to attract a better reputation and removed the stigma that has dogged the industry for so long, the integration of its already strong ecommerce offering with an improved business strategy will be the pied piper that draws large audience to the site and puts its critics to rest. Bibliography Peter, M. (2001). Business Studies p.63-64 UK Hodder Stoughton Ltd Farmers Weekly. (2006). Citing Online Source. Tesco Club card Reward Program ( Accessed 3/27/2008) Mike, M and Malcolm, M (2002) Marketing in Managing Bites p.86 GB Macmillan Press Ltd Peter, M. (2001). Business Studies p.61 UK Hodder Stoughton Ltd Kotler, P. (1998). Principles Of Marketing p. 33 UK Prentice Hall College Bill, W. (2008). Citing Online Source. Will Protest Hurt Tesco Brand ( Accessed 3/27/08) Sir Terry, L. (2008). Citing Online Source. Consumers Changing Lifestyles ( Accessed 3/27/08) Peter, M. (2001). Business Studies p.61 UK Hodder Stoughton Ltd

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Death Of A Salesman ~ Arthur Miller Act One 1. How does Arthur Miller :: English Literature

Death Of A Salesman ~ Arthur Miller Act One 1. How does Arthur Miller first present Willy Loman to the audience? Willy is first presented to the audience as an olden and exhausted man; this is portrayed through the 'word sigh' described in the scene description as he places his two large suitcases down. The audience then hears of his traumatic and slow drive home as he realises his daydreams are affecting his driving. Miller presents him here as not only an olden and exhausted man but also a confused man as well: Willy: "I'm tired to the death I could not make it. I just could not make it, Linda." Willy immediately prompts our compassion as the audience see him as both mentally and physically exhausted. 2. How does Miller begin to present the relationship between Willy and Biff? The first indication, which the audience hear of Biff, is by one of Willy's first lines: Willy: "Did Biff say anything after I went this morning?" This portrays his unease with the situation, which he left the house in. We then discover the reason for this argument as Linda pronounces: Linda: "You should not have criticized him, Willy, especially after her just got off the train." This criticism is further explained, as it appears that Willy is somewhat disappointed in Biff and wants better for him. The audience however soon become perplexed as Willy calls biff "a lazy bum" however very soon after he changes his opinion totally by contradicting himself as he says: Willy: "There's one thing about Biff - he's not lazy." Later Willy even says (about Biff) Willy: "He could be big in no time." It appears that the more Linda attempts to excuse Biff the angrier Willy gets. It also is apparent that on reminiscing about a bad point Willy switches his thoughts to his happier and relaxed past, this is only however as he sees it and the audience get many impressions on whether it is the entire truth or not. Miller is here presenting the relationship between Biff and Willy to be a complex relationship, which it appears, not even Willy himself understands. 3. How does Miller present Willy's two sons, Biff and Happy? What contradictions and questions are raised in the minds of the audience by this scene? The first presentation made of Biff and Happy is their reaction regarding their father's premature homecoming and strange behaviour as Happy soon worries: Biff: "Jesus, maybe he's smashed up the car again! Throughout this scene in Biff and Happy's bedroom many contradictions and questions are raised in the minds of the audience, the main question asked refers back to the previous scene as the audience

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Casinos Essay -- essays research papers

Casinos Casinos have become a form of entertainment for millions of Americans. In fact, Las Vegas, considered to be the home of casino gambling, is third only to Disneyworld and New York for tourism with 260 million visitors yearly. While it is true that casinos generate billions of dollars in revenues hardly any of that makes it back to the local economy as promised by the lobbyists to have casinos built in a city. Effects on local economies include construction jobs are created as well as hospitality jobs within the casino. While it is true jobs are created though usually they go to people outside the communities. The lobbyists for these huge casino companies state that it will also revive a dying economy if they allow casino gambling in their cities. Contrary to this claim though, Atlantic City has the highest unemployment rate in New Jersey. They claim restaurants, movie theaters, and other local businesses will benefit when exactly the opposite is true. Who is going to eat a local resta urant when the casino is offering free meals and drinks to gamblers. By 1996, Atlantic City casinos were devoting 318 million dollars to promotional food and drinks. Also in Atlantic City, over 900 of the 2100 small businesses there closed and the number of local restaurants was reduced from 243 to 146. Richard Byron, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, describes gambling expenditures as Money Extracted From Other Consumer Spending. When casinos come into a small community such as Atlantic City or Biloxi the people living in that community start to go there for entertainment instead of movie theaters, restaurants and other places they used to go to before. In 1994, more people went to the casinos than went to major league baseball parks and more money was spent on casinos than books, albums, and theme parks. It also affects real estate values, in Atlantic city the average cost of a house dropped 24,000.00 after the casinos were built and 11,000.00 for cities close to At lantic City. The reason for this may be because of increasing crime rates. The casinos would have everyone believe there is no change in crime statistics after they come in but this is not true. The American Insurance Institute estimates that 40% of all white collar crimes have their roots in gambling. Compulsive gamblers will bet until they have nothing left: savings, family assets, person... ...age wage and exceed average wages of several other industries. Furthermore the casino gaming industry creates additional jobs in the number of domestic supplier businesses. But at what price? The state and local governments lose on this deal. Compulsive gamblers cost the state an enormous amount of money each year, and with the number of problem gamblers growing with the casinos this is a problem that will not go away. The illegal gaming market is so enormous that its profits each year, surpass that of the top 100 American corporations combining. This includes IBM, all the automotive industries, and many more. The gambling industry makes a lot of promises it knows will not be fulfilled. But, once the revenues are tasted by the local governments they can never turn back. The casinos have lobbyists in Washington as well as local levels. It’s not like the old days of bookies and craps houses, now it’s huge business. The owners of the casinos are the same owners of movi e companies as well as amusement parks, they are all just forms of entertainment to them. If people could learn to play responsibly then there really wouldn’t be much harm but when you NEED to win you have already lost.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Humorous Best Man Speech for Two Best Men -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Spe

Humorous Best Man Speech Written for Two Best Men Best man 1: Good evening everyone. I must warn you we are both pretty nervous about doing this speech. We have spent many a night awake, trying plan it to no avail. We were both so nervous about doing this speech we asked the groom for some advice on how to prepare for talking to a large audience. Best man 2: So he did. He told us to imagine that you are all naked, so if you don't mind, we are going to give it a go. (Stares, winks at people) Best man 1: Ladies and gentlemen, may I thank you for attending this wonderful occasion. You can all agree that today has been a great success, so far, they look absolutely stunning. So if you could raise your glasses. To the bride and groom. Best man 2 :Also, thanks must go to the beautiful bridesmaids, who did a fabulous job today getting the bride ready and making sure she didn't back out. So if you could please raise your glasses again. To the bridesmaids. In preparing for today the groom has given us a list of things we have to do, so if you don't mind, for our sake and for yours, we would just quickly like to run through it, sorry. (Get pens and list out of pockets) Make sure that the groom is dressed appropriately. Best man 2: No better than usual, check. (Pretends to check list) Best man 1: Ensure that the groom has been to the bathroom Best man 2: I made sure he went in there, but the rest is up to him! Best man 1: See that angry ex-girlfriends are kept at bay Best man 2: Errrmmm. I can't find any, most of them seem rather relieved. Best man 1: Bring a bag with the following items for emergencies. Best man 2: aspirin, antacid, deodorant, toothpaste, Viagra. Oh, sorry the groom wasn?t going to ment... ...g unless its shared by two. Congratulations to the bride and groom. Best man I : To end we would just like to read a few verses from this poem that is very close to our hearts. It is called ?The Power of Love? which was written by William Shakespeare. Best man 2: Wasn't it also covered by Huey Lewis and the News in 1985 for the film Back to the Future Best man 1: Yeah O.K. quiet. (sing) The power of love is a curious thing Make a one man weep, make another man sing. Change a hawk to a little white dove More than a feeling, that's the power of love. Best man 2: It's O.K. mate Pats him on the shoulder) Let me: You don't need money, don't take fame Don't need no credit card to ride this train. It?s strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes but it might just save your life. Thats the power of love, that?s the power of love!! Thank you.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reflection on Judaism

Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expire soon of the covenant relationship that God established with the Children of Israel. Judaism includes a wide corpus of texts, practices, theological positions, and forms of organization. Within Judaism there are a variety of movements, most of which emerge d from Rabbinic Judaism, which holds that God revealed his laws and commandments to Mo season Mount Sinai In the form of both the Written and Oral Torah. 6] Historically, this assertion was challenged by various groups such as the Caduceus and Hellenic Judaism during t he Second Temple period; the Karate and Sebastian during the early and later media al period; [7] and among segments of the modern reform movements. Liberal movements in modern times such as Humanistic Judaism may be monotheistic. 8] Today, the largest Jewish religious movements are Orthodox Judaism (Harder Judaism and Modern Orthodox Juju Dadaism), Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism. Major sources of diffe rence between these e groups are their approaches dishtowels law, the authority of the Rabbinic tradition, and the SSL influence of the State of Israel. [9] Orthodox Judaism maintains that the Torah and Jewish law are divine in origin, eternal and unalterable, and that they should be strictly followed.Conservative e and Reform Judaism are more liberal, with Conservative Judaism generally promoting a m ore â€Å"traditional† interpretation of Judaism requirements than Reform Judaism. A typical Reform position Is that Jewish law should be viewed as a set of general guidelines rather that n as a setoffs restrictions and obligations whose observance Is required of all Jews. [10][11] Historically, special courts enforced Jewish law; today, these courts still exist but the practice of Judaism I s mostly voluntary.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Northern Colonies vs. Southern Colonies Essay

From the first settlement founded in the 1600’s, the British colonies were a varied mix of communities that grew to distinct civilizations in the 17th and 18th centuries. Queen Elizabeth helped drive the colonization of Jamestown in 1607 and ultimately the creation of other Southern colonies to help Britain’s economy flourish. In contrast, James I, Elizabeth’s successor, spurred the settlement of the Northern colonies for religious reasons when he â€Å"vowed to purge England of all radical Protestant reformers† (Davidson, et al 85). When the Pilgrims sailed the Mayflower in 1620, an error in navigation led them far north to New England, rather than the South. A second wave of Puritans led to the formation of the Massachusetts Bay colony and the growth of other Northern colonies. While the early settlers were all looking for new experiences, different types of people populated the Northern and Southern colonies. Although the two regions in the 17th and 18t h centuries may appear to be similar on the surface, there are many obvious differences in economy, treatment of Natives, and stability, stemming from the reasons they were founded in the first place. While the colonies differed in their economies and the reasons they were settled in the first place, they all benefited from â€Å"benign neglect† from Britain during much of the 17th and 18th centuries. Benign neglect was Britain’s policy of non-interference with the colonies (Davidson, et al 128). Britain was busy dealing with its own government issues and change in rulers and did not have the time to strictly administer the colonies. Because of this, both the Northern and Southern colonies flourished economically and established a relatively stable way of life. In addition, the first Colonial settlers and their descendents shared a desire for a better life, whether it was for land, money, or religious freedom. Without this benign neglect from Britain, the colonies may have never been able to prosper and set the stage for the new world the way they did. Despite a similar determination to thrive in a new world, the Northern and Southern colonies differed substantially in their economies. The Southern colonies included Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, and the Carolinas and were largely founded for profit. Because of the warm climate and fertile soil, the Southern colonies were perfect for the growth of staple crops, ranging from tobacco, rice, and sugar. A planter, â€Å"[John] Rolfe, had been obsessed with  finding a crop that could be grown in Virginia and then sold for gain across the sea. When he succeeded by growing tobacco, other English followed his lead† (Davidson, et al 53). Tobacco growth was critical for the Southern economy to succeed. But, as these crops began to prosper and England demanded more, â€Å"many of Jamestown’s colonists had little taste for labor† (Davidson, et al 59). The sudden need for cheap labor led to the reliance on slavery, which would dominate the Southern economy and way of life for many years to come. In the late 1600’s, farmers began to invest in slavery rather than white servants because they would get more years out of the slaves, and also gain title to their children (Davidson, et al 63). New laws made it nearly impossible for white Masters to free slaves, further solidifying slavery in the South. In contrast, the Northern colonies had a more industrial economy. The Northern colonies consisted of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Almost every male settler in the North owned property, so small farms were, in fact, established across New England and the Mid Atlantic colonies (Davidson, et al 89). But unlike the South, the crops grown from these farms were not for capital, but rather for feeding the families. The soil in the North was too rocky and the climate was too unstable to have a promising agricultural industry. Many early colonists described the land as â€Å"rockbound and rugged†¦ long winters of numbing cold melted into short summers of steamy heat† (Davidson, et al 85). Also, because agriculture was limited, the need for slavery did not exist. â€Å"With little hope of prospering through commercial agriculture, New England farmers had no incentive to import large numbers of servants a nd slaves or to create large plantations† (Davidson, et al 89). Instead, they traded fur with the Indians and established major harbors in Boston and Philadelphia for international trading. Shipbuilding and fishing also dominated port cities, such as Boston. â€Å"Boston’s merchants sent fish to the Caribbean and Catholic Europe† (Davidson, et al 118). As a result of different land and climates in the North and South, their economies differed, affecting many more aspects of the colonies as well. The Indians were the original settlers in the colonies as well as the rest of what would become America. As both the Southern and Northern settlers arrived in the New World, they took vastly different approaches in their treatment of the natives. Neither  region treated the Indians ideally. When Captain John Smith sailed to Chesapeake, many of his settlers were hungry and, â€Å"he bullied the Indians for food and would have enslaved them if it had been in his power† (Davidson, et al 52). It is hard to imagine that the early settlers took the Indians’ land, but in addition, bullied them to receive food. To take the Southern treatment of Indians to an extreme, the Carolinas traded the Indians themselves as slaves. The Carolinas needed cheap labor to grow their cash crops, but they could not afford African slaves. To fund this venture, the Carolinas resold enslaved Indians they traded goods for with other Indian tribes (Davidson, et al 70). The Carolinas treated Indians like they were a commodity, rather than as human beings, all in the name of funding an even greater evil: slavery. Although the Northern Colonists were involved in a number of conflicts with the natives, they were not nearly as cruel as the South ern Colonists. John Eliot, a Puritan leader, for example, helped set up a school within Harvard, to help Indians learn English and culture (Davidson, et al 94). Although this didn’t help the Indians grow as a tribe, it did not drive them away from the Colonists and made them feel more like a community. The Northern colonies also needed help from the Indians to survive the harsh winters, so treating them well was important. In Pennsylvania, the Quakers coexisted peacefully with the Lenni Lenapes, another Indian tribe. â€Å"Before [William] Penn sold any land to colonists, he purchased it from the Indians (Davidson, et al 96). Because the Quakers settled in Pennsylvania for religious freedom, not profit, keeping peace with the Indians was part of their way of life. In short, the treatment of Indians reflected the reasons the two regions settled in America. The stability of the colonies also varied by region. The Northern colonies were significantly more stable than the Southern colonies for a variety of reasons. In the North, their settlements were closer together, creating more order and stability in their â€Å"tightly knit† communities.â€Å"The†¦ [Northern] colonists lived to an average age of 70, nearly twice as long as Virginians† (Davidson, et al 89). The population in the North also increased naturally, whereas in the South, it was artificially increased by the import of African slaves. â€Å"By 1740, 40% of all Virginians were black† (Davidson, et al 67). Also, because of the higher life expectancy in the North, families were stronger. About 90% of children in the North reached adulthood, and unlike  the Chesapeake, most parents were able to survive and provide for their family (Davidson, et al 89). In the Chesapeake region, there were few churches whereas in the North, community life centered around churches, contributing further to a more stable society, which would help the Northerners in the long run. Although the Northern and Southern colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries shared some similarities, they were, in fact, separate and distinct civilizations. The colonies varied drastically in their economies, treatment of the native people, and their stability, mainly because their reasons for settling in the New World were different as well. The Southern colonies were established primarily for profit. The Northerners were looking to break free from Catholic Britain and have freedom of religion in the New World. The unplanned arrival in Plymouth, rather than the South, contributed even more to how different the two regions really were, based on geography. These differences, while distinct early on, ultimately led to much bigger conflicts in America, almost destroying it altogether.

Rationales of eu north africa cooperation

IntroductionEurope has strong ties with the North African states which were strengthened through the historical events, peculiarly with the Maghreb. After the Barcelona Process and the creative activity of the planetary Mediterranean partnership, the EU North-African dealingss were opened to an functionary and productive cooperation. However, one could non sabotage the dealingss between the EU and some major states in North Africa prior to the 1995 particularly Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. These three states have historical dealingss with the EU particularly with former colonisers France and Spain. The EU-North African relationship can be traced back to the sixtiess and 1970s by the sign language of economic understandings which were the footing of the new partnership. ; for case, the 1975 conference of security and cooperation between Europe and the Mediterranean states that took topographic point in Helsinki. The being of the European norms and values in the political relations an d determination devising of the Maghreb states helped both sides to develop a longstanding relationship. Additionally, the Moroccan foreign policies were more directed toward Europe than any other part because of the colonial invasion. This paper will analyse the EU North Africa dealingss and the principles behind the cooperation, but before that I will give a theoretical account of the nature of the relationship. Specifying the RelationshipIn the literature of the EU North African dealingss, the construct of dependance is applicable because of the nature of the North-South dealingss between the two parties. The asymmetrical nature of the partnership made the North African states more depending on the EU than the other manner around. â€Å" Dependency is a state of affairs in which the economic system of certain states is conditioned by the development and enlargement of another economic system to which the former is subjected † [ 1 ] . In other words, the dependance of one side is much greater than that of the other side [ 2 ] which consequences in a domination and development of the centre ( North ) to the fringe ( South ) . As a consequence of this cooperation, North Africa is traveling to roll up a much greater costs if the relationship breaks up because the Maghreb exports 67 % and imports 65 % of their entire trade from the EU while the latter exports 2.4 % and imports 2.3 % from their entire mean [ 3 ] . Despite these differences and the insecurity of the Maghreb economic system, the EU has besides major involvements in the part which push some bookmans and research workers to reason that it ‘s a mutuality based relationship. In the undermentioned subdivision, The economic system including agricultural merchandises and energy resources in add-on to such pertainig issues such as commanding migration and terrorist act are the EU principles to be discussed in inside informations in the undermentioned subdivision. EU rationales behind the cooperationEuropean Union rationales vis a vis North African cooperation have different dimensions. The Barcelona Process is one of the major stages that strengthened the EU-North African association although it was a confined to. To understand the grounds behind the European involvement in North Africa, one should travel back to the Euro-Mediterranean conference that took topographic point in Barcelona in 1995 taking at bettering the European Union partnership with the Mediterranean states both the Mashriq and Maghreb. However, due to the US force per unit area on the EU intercession in the Arab-Israeli struggle as a consequence the EU focal point its dealingss on North Africa. The first aim which is the major rational behind EU involvement in North Africa is contending political Islam and terrorist act in the part. Harmonizing to the EU authorities this partnership will make peace and security in the part and hence prevent the rise of extremist Islam in Nor th Africa. The regard of the human rights declaration and the acceptance of democratic values in the part was the surface behind the cooperation. However, the concealed involvement was the fright from the spillover of the Islamist motion and terrorist activities into Europe through migration. The EU concern was to command the part to forestall terrorist act from taking topographic point in the European dirt. The first chief failure to accomplish this end was the 1995 and 1996 terrorist onslaught in Paris that was the consequence of the Gallic support to the Algerian government which was against the FIS ( Islamist Opposition Movement ) , this event is one of the failure of the partnership to protect the European Security [ 4 ] The European were interested in the creative activity of a Free Trade Zone and to develop an economic web with North Africa in order to better the economic sector and production of the Mediterranean states with an emphasize on Maghreb. However, this involvement was good for both parts because it enabled the EU to entree easy the natural resources and agricultural merchandises in North Africa and it helped this latter to export its manufactured goods to the international market. However, if we look at the transit cost North Africa is non profiting every bit much as the EU because of the type of trade goods exported ; for case, the merchandises exported to the EU are much more dearly-won than the 1s imported in footings of transit ( phosphates vs engineering ) . Trade liberalisation in the part was another factor behind the European partnership. This end has been reached in 2000 more specifically in † the Agadir Declaration ofMay 8, 2001, in which the authoritiess ofEgypt, Morocco, and Tunisia made a committedness to regional trade liberalisation. â€Å" [ 5 ] The literatures on this subject argue that the EU foreign policy vis a vis North Africa was taking at advancing human rights, democracy, development in the part. The EU is considered the largest giver in the universe sing supplying assistance particularly to North Africa and one of the largest importers of North African agricultural merchandise ( 67 % of the entire export of the Maghreb Region ) . Based on these elements, the EU is utilizing a soft power scheme to advance their policies and involvements in the part which are more about security and economic than the publicity of human rights and democracy in the part. The purpose of the European Union in holding partnership or association with the Mediterranean states peculiarly the North-African states is to act upon the policies of these states for the EU ‘s benefits. Harmonizing to Youngs commanding North Africa and advancing EU ‘s political orientations and political relations was a manner to demo its power over these part and more loosely the Mediterranean states [ 6 ] . The strong influence of the US in the Middle East and the failure of the EU intercession in this part particularly in the Arab-Israeli struggle pushed the European Union to advance its political orientations and full influence on North Africa. Illegal migration from the South is going a important phenomenon in the European Community. Sub-saharan Africans are utilizing North African states as a span to Europe which starts making serious jobs sing employment and security particularly in Spain and France. Harmonizing to the realist school this cooperation is chiefly to beef up EU laterality alternatively of constructing a part which can be explained by the reluctance of the EU to coerce Euro-Mediterranean partnership aims in footings of democracy and human rights [ 7 ] . However, the undermentioned subdivision analyzes North African principles and chief involvements behind the cooperation with the European Union. North -African RationalesEconomic involvement is the major rational behind Maghreb dealingss with the European Union. European roots existed in North Africa since the colonisation clip peculiarly in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Since that clip the Maghreb part has been beef uping its dealingss with the European Union through understandings and trade cooperation. Tunisia and Morocco were considered emerging states in footings of exports because of the addition of their entire exports to Europe [ 8 ] . In add-on to the benefits that the Maghreb is making from trade with European Union ( 67 % of Maghreb exports ) it ‘s besides making a fragile and insecure economic construction for the part. This can be explained by the economic orientation of the Maghreb towards Europe. The economic involvement of the Maghreb started to be realized in 1969 when the EC signed a trade understanding with Morocco and Tunisia. The major facet qualifying the EU- Maghreb dealingss was independent dialo gues which did non set the Maghreb states in a symmetrical place. Bettering links with Europe was another rational behind the Euro-Maghreb dealingss that resulted in the creative activity of the UMA to hold more weight and negociate jointly with the EU. European fiscal support was major end for North Africa ; nevertheless, between 1995 and 1999 the Mediterranean part received merely five milliards dollars which represent 90 million dollars for each state and most of this fiscal aid went to Egypt and Turkey because for Algeria this fund represent merely some few yearss of oil production [ 9 ] . The literature vis a vis the principles behind the cooperation were more about economic for North Africa. Tunisia and Morocco had the strongest ties with EU as consequence Morocco was the 2nd state subscribing the Euro-Med understanding with the EU after Tunisia. Attracting foreign investing and European assistance to the part was another factor behind the economic involvements of the Maghreb. After the decolonisation procedure the part was developing, as a consequence Maghreb states started a procedure of societal, political, and chiefly economic reforms as a consequence some states in North Africa peculiarly Morocco, strengthened its ties with the EU for some political and societal grounds. North African states were negociating independently with the EU to pull political support for their ain internal issues. Under the context of democratisation and human rights, Morocco is the 2nd big receiving system of EU fiscal support in North Africa because of the societal and political reforms that the state has experienced during the last few old ages. Social development becomes another involvement of Maroc dealingss with Europe as a consequence the EU contributes by 47 % from the Moroccan entire foreign assistance budget. The North African involvement of the cooperation spread out to societal and political involvements. The EU is non satisfied with some North African states po litical reforms such as Tunisia and Algeria but still merchandise and foreign assistance toward these states are non impacted which could clearly explicate the security ground behind the European cooperation with the Maghreb. The partnership started by an economic involvement of Europe in the Maghreb However, after the expansion of the EU, security and political instability become the major cause behind European involvement. After the expansion of the EU, The involvement of North African states in trading with EU was negatively wedged because of the rise of fight from the Eastern European axis particularly in agricultural merchandises. To some extent Algeria had some limited cooperation with the EU due to the political instability in the state. Algeria was one of the North African states that refused to accept the European clause of democracy and human rights of the Barcelona Process. Algeria was non interested in international cooperation every bit much as work outing its ain internal jobs. On the other manus, Algeria had chiefly an economic involvement behind the EU-Maghreb cooperation because it did non accept any European political advice although they were threatened by the EU to diminish the foreign assistance and even win in seting force per unit area on the EU to take conditionality on assistance. Algeria had a great possible six a six energy which made France really flexible sing their dealingss. The EU-Algerian cooperation started to worsen due to the reluctance of Algeria to follow the economic and political reforms. The EU peculiarly France started to go less independent on Algerian energy resources aft er replacing this latter Russian gas and Norse oil. After 2000, Algeria had reduced to some extent the political instability and Islamic menace in the state. To sum up, the North African states had economic involvements behind the cooperation with the EU. However, this involvement has been developed to the extent that it became besides societal, political and secure. The rise of terrorist act in the part non merely threatened the Europe Union but besides the political governments and the publicity democracy in North Africa, as a consequence European fiscal assistance sing peace and security became extremely indispensable and appreciated by North African states. In footings of societal development, developing states rely on foreign assistance because development for them is more foreign than internal issue. However, and since all North African states are non plenty developed, foreign assistance become the major grounds behind the partnership at least for Morocco and Tunisia. From a N orth African position trade and foreign assistance are the chief principles behind the partnership and for the EU it is more about security due to the fright from the spillover of terrorist act to European states. In conformity with the EU accent on security, the International universe criticized the EU for being supportive to the dictatorship in the Maghreb part in order to command the political Islam. DecisionFrom a European position the EU North Africa dealingss are hard to spot because different restraints such as Islam and terrorist act prevent it from booming. In general, the EU is really flexible sing its dealingss with the North African states because they do non utilize difficult power or push authoritiess for political and economical reforms ( the instance of Algeria ) , they merely put these principals at the surface of their dealingss to accomplish their chief aims. Frankly, the EU has made some advancement in accomplishing their ends because now cloak-and-dagger in-migration is more controlled by the North African states and there is a dramatic addition in the flow of the European investors to the part. After analysing both parts interested in the EU North-Africa cooperation, one could chew over that we have a European laterality over the part exemplified by the flow of foreign assistance and direct foreign investings in North Africa peculiarly to Morocco, Tunisia and A lgeria. From a realist position it is an mutuality relationship. However, from a capitalist and economic point of position it is an asymmetric relationship. Regionalization of the Maghreb is one of the grounds behind this dependence, because each state in North Africa is covering with the EU independently. However, I do believe that it is a win-win state of affairs because the EU is indirectly run intoing its involvements through direct investings which will open more occupation chances in the part and hence cut down the flow of migration to Europe. The foreign assistance investing brings benefit to the EU excessively because of the inexpensive labour market. Harmonizing to Youngs democratisation and human rights principals become adopted in North Africa until the EU started funding undertakings sing those issues ; nevertheless, still we are far from being democratic provinces. BibiolgraphyBooks and articles Ahmed Aghout, Nature, Characteristics and Determinants, Ashgate, 2000 Beverley Crawford, the impact of the EU expansion on the Euro-Med Partnership, denim Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol.5 No.23 EU committee 2005 Chabi, Amine. Devloping Maroc -Eu copperation: the Advanced position. Al Akhawayn University Students Research Papers Series, No. 23, 2004. Khaliq, Urfan. 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